Saturday, January 10, 2009


Just a quick update -

First of all, we have skype set up and running! If you have a skype account, email us and let us know your user name. :)

Mike is currently off in Australia for the men's FIG judging course. For the non-gym people out there: that's the course/exam required to be an international-caliber "brevet" judge for this next Olympic cycle 2009-2012. FIG only offers the credentialing once every four years, and only in a handful of places around the world (i.e. - plus or minus once on each continent).

Here in New Zealand, I'm trying to tackle the paperwork involved in getting our cats from the US here.

*chuckle* - You would think we were trying to import a sample of the last remaining small pox virus. The process literally involves officials at the New Zealand Minister of Agriculture and Forestry; our own veterinarian (thanks Natalie!) as well as veterinarians from the USDA, LAX & the airport in Christchurch; a quarantine facility; notaries on both sides of the Pacific; microchip scanners; and a "zoosanitary certification" for good measure.

To be fair, those are the simple entry procedures. USA is one of the "specified countries and territories recognised as countries or territories in which canine rabies is absent or well controlled."

Okay, back to Section 22 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 for me. :)

1 comment:

Alexis said...

Sounds like it is a good thing you have a vet in your family and that you are a lawyer- how would the normal person get their cats in?